General Geek
Geek Girl
Science Geek
Math Geek
Music Geek
Computer Geek
Baby Geek
Geek Ties
Doctor Who
Here's the section with my favorite funny geek t-shirts! I'm so adjective, I verb nouns! Check out the different types of milk mustaches! Cakey! Ninja Kittens! Woot! Cheese loves macaroni! Can't we all just get along - rock, paper and scissors! Show your love for Reading Rainbow! Wear a tuxedo t-shirt to dress up (and it looks downright dapper, I might add!), be a kung fu master, tell the world that the book is always better, show a public display of affection for your PDA, proclaim that you've been made in the U.S.A. by robots or warn people that you shot a man in Reno just for the lulz! How can you resist? I know I can't!